Journey so far

Greetings esteemed reader(s)!

Started my official journey as a software developer and i will be sharing my experiences, learning curves, ups and downs with you all on this blog.

I joined a team of awesome developers with the best boss at the helm of affairs. I was given an API to handle. I am to design, develop, deploy and maintain the software.

The games API is an integral part of - an inclusive gaming entertainment network and interactive competition platform built for gamers of all levels.

So i basically started off with setting up my AWS and then the first goal for the team was to deploy our micro-services. In other to do this, i needed a database to store images and videos for the games micro-service. I first opted for mySQL db but had a bit of difficulties setting it up.

My boss suggested we use Cloudinary as an alternative to mySQL db. I found cloudinary to be pretty good and setting it up and integrating it to my micro-service was pretty easy.

LOL! Almost forgot! I got a company paid MACBOOK courtesy of my boss. Coding became a whole lot fun from here onwards lol!

In that week, I was able to get my micro-service up and running, set up my AWS and cloudinary db and started testing out my experiments page for integrating my API. The experiments page is basically for testing out how you would like your micro-service to look like; the designs and styles et al. Using the experiments page made deployment to my micro-service pretty easy i must say. The hard part was trying to figure out how you would like the micro-service to look like. I must confess i felt a bit of pressure because i was afraid of coming in short. And not just that but how what i was about to implement will be perceived by others as my micro-service was open for all users to see. I think it will come down pretty well eventually.

In the quest for delivering a standard product i have gone through several libraries to help me achieve this aim. From the cloudinary docs to react-spring, react-blur, Imgur, react-fullpage, figma and hopefully more. Perfection is the aim lol!

I'll stop here for now. Been learning at an incredible pace and I have my boss and team members to thank for that.

Please expect more from me.